
1. USE of Program Funds

Funds are provided in the form of a one-time grant. The money does not have to be repaid.

  • Payment is made directly to the mortgage servicer. The servicer applies the money to the delinquent account.
  • Funds can cover the loan payment (Principal, Interest, Taxes, and Insurance) plus any escrow shortage and any other costs to fully restore the mortgage to a “current” status. Loans with no escrow account must establish one with the mortgage servicer in order to include taxes and insurance in the grant.
  • Late fees and NSF fees post-01/21/2020 must be waived by the servicers.


2.Eligibility Requirements

Applicants must:

  • Be behind by at least twomortgage payments, as of the launch of the program.
  • Have experienced a Qualified Financial Hardship after January 21,2020.
  • Currently own and occupy the property in California as their primary residence.
  • Not own and occupy more than one property.
  • Provide all necessary documentation to satisfy program guidelines.


Additional Requirements

  •  If the property was in foreclosure, the foreclosure must not have been completed.
  • Active bankruptcy homeowners are eligible with trustee approval.
  • Original loan amount of the first mortgage cannot be greater than the “conforming loan limit” at the time of origination.
  • Co-owners are not permitted to separately apply for grants There is a limit of one grant per household / property address.

Two Types of Financial Hardship are Eligible:

  • Reduction in Income:
    Temporary or permanent loss of earned income directly or indirectly related to the coronavirus pandemic after January 21, 2020. This includes things like layoff, reduced hours of work, loss of customers, and business closure.


  • Increase in Living Expenses:
    Temporary or permanent increase in out-of-pocket household expenses such as: medical expenses, increases in household size, or costs to reconnect utility services related to the coronavirus pandemic after January 21, 2020.

Income Eligibility Requirements

  • Total Household Income equal to or less than 100% of the area median income in the county where the residence is located
    (according to HUD’s 2021 Homeowner Assistance Fund Income Limits)
  • Greater than 40% housing to income ratio (HTI) when comparing
    themortgagee’s income versus housing expense.
  • 40% or below housing-to-income ratio and possesses a denial of alternative work-out options from the servicer.
  • Homeowner may request attestation from Housing Counselors stating that an alternative workout is not an option for the homeowner. See packet for letter option.

Property Eligibility Requirements


SFR or Condo,One unit, owner-occupied

Manufactured housing if affixed to real property and taxed as real estate

Not Eligible:
Second home, Investment Properties, Vacant or abandoned Properties


3. Applications

All homeowners must apply via the California Mortgage Relief
Program website –

  • Applicants must first complete a brief questionnaire to determine eligibility to apply.
  • If eligible, the applicant can begin their application by creating a user profile to login.
  • Applicants may save their progress and return to complete their application at a later time. All applications, with required documents, must be completed in 30 days.

Assisting Homeowners

  • Applicants should gather the required documentation prior to submitting their application on-line, which may include:
  • Mortgage Statement: This is the document they use to make your monthly payment.
  • Proof of income for 2 pay periods, such as W2’s, pay stubs, bank statements, social security payments, unemployment benefits, Medi-cal,FRPRI, TANF, SNP, Section 8 public assistance, pension, WIC, SNAP, etc.
  • Proof of residency through a utility bill, or similar, addressed to them at the property address.


4. Housing Counseling

Types of Assistance Applicants May Need

  • Assist the applicant with the application prep and/or submission.
  • Work with the applicant and the mortgage servicer throughout the process
  • Analyze the applicant’s finances and housing affordability.
  • Assist the applicant in preparing a budget or a financial action plan
  • Refer the applicant to other types of financial assistance.

Frauds and Scams – Warn Applicants
There is no cost to apply for the California Mortgage Relief Program.
There is no cost to the homeowner when getting assistance from HUD-Certified Counselors.

Scammers may say…

  • They’re housing counselors, they’re lawyers, they represent a law firm, or they’re from the government.
  • They’ll handle all the details of a deal to lower your mortgage payments or save your home from foreclosure.
  • Not to contact your lender, lawyer, housing counselor or credit counselor.
  • Make mortgage payments directly to them – rather than to your server – or to transfer your property deed to them.

Contact Center

  • Provides assistance throughout the application process should applicants have questions
  • Provides assistance in multiple languages
  • Contact Center staff will also refer applicants to HUD-certified counselors for further financial guidance, if necessary
  • A Frauds and Scams – Red Flags

Being Asked:
*To give personally identifiable information to an unknown source.

*To send money in cash, gift cards, money orders, or wire transfers.

*To give personally identifiable information to an unknown source.

*To do everything quickly or being asked to “act now”.


*Unsolicited robocalls or texts.

*Suspicious “official” notices or offers.

*Unsolicited offers of “assistance” from unknown sources.


Shalom Center Phone Number
213-380-3700 or 213-380-3701
Monday – Friday
9:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. PST

Contact Center Phone Number
Monday – Friday
8:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. PST

Online Registration

California mortgage relief